You’ve gone through the whole college application and have been offered a place. Well Done! You now realize that the funding is not there. Here’s some advice.If your financial aid package is not...
Category: College Life
Going to college is a life-changing decision. Where you choose to attend is also very important. Let’s look at what might be involved in that decision. You should go to college out of state if...
Deciding to take a gap year after high school is a time when a teen can mature, and figure out who they are. But is it for everyone and what difficulties might arise? Getting into college after a...
My daughter is in her sophomore year of college. Leaving for college was a huge deal and whatever was going to make that transition easier was taken on board. Read on to see how we felt about her...
Living away from home - possibly for the first time - can be a daunting thing to get your head around. With the stress of that and class, maybe joining a sorority might be some fun. Joining a...
Moving to college is a big step in a teen's life. (and a parent's life!) Starting in college or university is not just about classes and learning. It’s also about becoming an independent...