About Tara Cunningham

Hi, my name is Tara Cunningham. I am a mom of a teenage girl and a teenage boy. I am also a Graphic Designer for the last 20 years, but first and foremost, my priority is my children.

I would do anything for my children in order to make the transition to adulthood easier. Being a teen is not easy, and any way we can help them through this is paramount. It is, after all our job as a mom.

My daughter moved to college in the city last year, and although I knew that this was ultimately the goal, as her mom, I found it very difficult.

I am a very organized person and I wanted her move to college to be just right.
I started to write about the way I worked through different situations that had arisen with both my son and daughter and tweentotwenty.com was born.

I hope that you find some of my opinions and suggestions helpful on your parenting journey.